Patient Portal is a secure, electronic way to access your health information.
ODA activated your account to help improve the quality of care you receive.ODA sent you an email detailing the benefits of Patient Portal which included directions of how to opt out.
Patient Portal is a new feature available to all ODA patients. It is designed to save you time and improve the quality of care you receive. Using Patient Portal, you can send a message to your doctor and view and download your health information, including: lab results, medication list, diagnoses, and visit summaries.
No. Only you can see your information in Patient Portal. At ODA we keep your health information completely confidential. To ensure your information remains private, do not share your login information.
Click here to access Patient Portal
To access link via email: Patient Portal can be accessed by clicking on the link sent to your email.
To access link via ODA's homepage: You can also access Patient Portal from the link provided on ODA's homepage.
Once you click on the Patient Portal link, type in your username and password. After logging in, just click on the feature you want to use in the menu. If you have any specific questions, we are here to help you.
You can reset your password by clicking on "Forgot Password?" on the login screen and entering in your username and answer to your security question. If you cannot remember your username or security answer, your password can be reset. Just call 718-260-4600 (ext. 1121). You will receive a response within 48 hours.
ODA's Patient Portal Representative can unlock your account for you. Just call 718-260-4600 (ext. 1121). You will receive a response within 48 hours. Unlocking your account will also reset your password to a randomly assigned password. When you log in, you will be able to change your password. It can take up to five minutes for the account to reset.
You can only receive messages via Patient Portal. If you have a question about Patient Portal, you can call ODA's Patient Portal Representative at 718-260-4600 (ext. 1121). If you have a question about your medical information on Patient Portal, you can call the Call Center at (718) 260-4600 so they can connect you to your doctor or medical staff.
No. Although email addresses can be shared among patients, each patient has a unique username. If you forget your username, call ODA's Patient Portal Representative at 718-260-4600 (ext. 1121). You will receive a response within 48 hours.
If at any time you choose to opt out, call ODA's Patient Portal representative at 718-260-4600 (ext. 1121). You will receive a response within 48 hours.